Tip: Ads represent over 50% of your network traffic. How do you keep advertisements and other time wasters from interfering with your network and productivity? How do you keep ads, Big Media, and social media off your property?

Advertising slows down Web-pages and freezes browsers. Ads are heavy, data is collected by third parties and ad space is auctioned while pages load, which provides the incentive to slow things down.

Ads are also vectors for malware payloads,* and they are often tasteless and distracting.

You should never see an ad while browsing the Internet at work. Video, radio, social networks, and news can be filtered out as well.

Your Web-based, network-based and cloud-based applications should run uninterrupted and as fast as they would if they were installed on a local machine.

* Adware, viruses, ransomware, spyware, worms, keyloggers, trojans, rootkits…