How valuable are the services provided by your website(s)? Would your clients, customers, or even employees think twice before leaving your company because of these services? How naturally do they use them? How much would it cost them to be deprived of your site? What does your site do for your staff?

Citrix® makes Windows® client-server applications accessible from a click in a site while preserving their familiar desktop look and feel. It provides “traditional” software vendors with a means to "lease" their solutions as a service without having to rewrite their code for the Web. On the client side, it frees you from the hassle of maintaining a Windows® Server and apps. This is great, but how so?

How long do your servers and personal computers last? How much do brand idiosyncrasies and engineered obsolescence affect your park of computers and servers? Can you diagnose and repair, or do you merely repurchase, replace and reinstall software?

What do public cloud computing and the 2008 subprime bond market have in common? 

Should you use dedicated servers, or should you rely on the public cloud for your website, business applications, and online services you sell to your clients?

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